Thursday, April 11, 2013

Inspired by Children...The Rays

More Child-Inspirations: The RAYS...


Rayel is 12 today.  Time sure does fly from when she was this...

to this...

Rayel is active in cheerleading, has lots of friends and does very well in school.  She's funny, imaginative and clever.  She likes to talk (a lot) and crack jokes.  She's an awesome big sister to her sibs and I have enjoyed watching her blossom into a beautiful young lady.  Happy Birthday RayMay!

Raytel (Jr.)

Raytel has a huge heart, hates to lose and is one of the most affectionate little boys I know.  He is always willing to submit to hugs and kisses and tells funny stories when he thinks no one is listening.  He is a beast on the football field and aspires to play professionally one day.  Go Raytel...Go!


The Princess and self-taught ballerina who argues when she can't wear a dress to school every day.   "Auni" is a force to be reckoned with and she is no joke!  After scolding her for putting grimy hands on my shirt, she came back 5 minutes later and said "I washed my hands, can I touch you now?" with the precocious sassy-ness that only she can deliver with a straight face.  She is full of light, smiles, love and giggles. 

The Rays taught me that love knows no distance or time.  If they loved you once they will always love you no matter what the circumstances.  They are happy children that continue to amaze me with their wit and charm. I'm blessed to have them call me Auntie. Love abounds, always!

~Creatively Yours (ARC)

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