Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dreaming Wide Awake

I dream in color.  Vivid colors, complex story lines, plots, recurring dreams.  Dreams that make me cry, laugh, smile and talk in my sleep.  Dreams that haunt me through my days and inspire me to be a better person.  Dreams that warn me, guide me, awaken desire and make me yearn for more.

My dreams have always made me look for more.  I study things intently, deeply, emotionally. My dreams help me process all of that.  I'm proud to be sensitive.  Proud to proclaim I am a dreamer.

Creatively Yours was born from a dream and continues to be my magically-inspired baby.  The right clients are approaching and we are building these businesses step by step.  It feels right, it feels "connected", it feels blessed.

Keep Dreaming Creative Ones! Then Do It!

~Creatively Yours

Thursday, February 21, 2013



The news guy just said that the sun isn't coming up til 6:52 am today.  I've been up since 3:20 am.

There are at least 2 weeks a month where I don't sleep well.  It used to upset me so much as I love sleep as much as I love pretty much anything else in my life.  Yet I have grown to love and appreciate this quiet time in the middle of the night.  Thoughts are crystal clear.  Weird stuff plays on the television.  I feel like I am 3 steps ahead of the rest of the world.

Embracing insomnia has changed my life.  Instead of being angry about the lack of sleep, I adjusted my thinking to accepting that there is something on my mind that needs to be set free and this time even my great dreams won't do.  So I wake up.  Sometimes I write, sometimes I just veg out.  Most times I fall back to sleep on the couch.

Is there something in your life that you are fighting against that could be turned into something useful instead?  

I accept that my body and mind operate on their own systems.  I am simply the vessel that holds them both.  I won't fight it anymore.

So I'll take the "mind-sunshine" in the middle of the night.   Continuing to make the best of an odd situation.  Ever creating when I "could" be sleeping.

Work when you must....
Rest when you can....
Love, Always...

~Creatively Yours

Sunday, February 17, 2013


He's a super-smart billionaire and has a secret cave in his basement where he transforms into a superhero.

He doesn't have a special power.  He's just naturally gifted. I love him for that.  He has gadgets, a fancy special car and can somewhat fly, but he wasn't mutated, radiated or took a pill.  He just figures stuff out on his own and makes it work for him.

Batman is my favorite superhero.  He's humble, somewhat broken, moody, artistic, the list goes on and on.  He appeals to me because although he has a "dark side" he uses what he has available to fight crime.

Using what you are naturally gifted with is self-realization at it's finest.  Every client I work with project-wise has taken a talent, skill, desire or passion to the next level in order to "live the dream". They are turning these basic concepts into their life work and it is a joy to watch.

I look forward to not only honing my own inner skills, but to continue to build with like-minded individuals that are putting their passion on display in the small business world as well.

I'm Batman! Ok, actually I'm...

~Creatively Yours (ARC)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Thing About Obstacles

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.  ~Zen Proverb

I would be completely justified to pack my things, hang my head and go home when someone tells me "no".

Yet there is a crazy fighting spirit in me that envisions myself breaking rocks with bare hands.  Jumping barricades with a single bound and yes, even flying to my next destination.

Seeing the obstacle is the obvious thing.  Making a plan is the next thing. Finding the solution is the best thing.  

Once upon a time I answered to the nickname "Songbird".  The funny thing about labeling myself as a "singer" was I was constantly being rejected.  I would go to auditions, meet with "producers", was told my voice was "too rich".  Many things happened during my singing times that would have made me question my talent.  Yet I knew there was something better on the other side of that "no" and my inquisitive nature would not allow me to give up or stop going after the dream to sing professionally.

Life is full of reasons to STOP.  The spirit is full of reasons to go on.    No reward without risk.  What we think we can have is a drop in the bucket compared to what is really out there for us TO have.

Let no obstacle get in your way this week.  I will be fighting for what I want professionally and personally.  Will you?

~Creatively Yours (ARC)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Made for the Maze

When I was younger I always had dreams of running around in mazes like the one pictured above.  I would also have some type of crime or moral puzzle to solve while I was lost.  I would wake up exhausted because I would never be able to get out or solve the problem in the span of time that the dreaming took place.

I find that my life is similar to those dreams.  Physically, I am a naturally clumsy person. I fall a lot and I'm constantly bumping into walls.

Mentally, I'm sharp.  Yet sometimes I am standing against an idea of who I want to be vs. who I think I can be.  It's frustrating.  It's a maze.  It's that circular thinking that sometimes leaves me stuck,  doing nothing, in a grassy corner.

I never had the pleasure of doing a "corn maze" when I was younger. I'm afraid of a few things, and being lost is one of my worst fears.  Never quite trusted myself enough to think I could just walk until I would intuitively find my way out.

So that's the goal of this business.  To keep walking/working until I find the way to what will fulfill my professional and personal goals.  The doors are opening, the passageways are being made clear.  I am perfectly equipped. I just have to trust myself and not stop at the "dead-ends"  

Made for the Maze!

~Creatively Yours