Saturday, November 9, 2013


It's been an exciting year full of changes and new developments for Creatively Yours (ARC)! November 8, 2013 is our official first anniversary!

We are proud to announce the addition of the following new clients:


The One and Only Henry Shead
It's been a pleasure to know this man for well over 2 decades and now I have the honor of representing him out here in this social media world.  He is a soul singer with a rock edge, a songwriter, a musician and gifted stage performer.  I am enthralled by his music and taken in by his message.  Check him out on YouTube:

His facebook community page is here:

Don't miss out!  He has a complete album on iTunes as well!  Follow him on Twitter (@henrysheadmusic)



Coming Soon:

Check out the Facebook page as well:

Kimathi Card has been called a healer by many of his Qi Gong clients.  His facility is located in Brooklyn, NY and is called Arena Wellness. (

When you're in Brooklyn be sure to stop by and get a treatment from him or one of his staff members!

Kimathi Care is also the extended version of Kimathi's practice where he will come to your workplace or other events to discuss wellness solutions.

Kimathi's Practitioner FB Page:

You can follow both of Kimathi's pages on Twitter: @kimathicare and @arenawellness1



Kai and I FB page:

A FAB boutique catering company specializing in affairs to remember.  Contact Chef Hodge today to arrange his services for your event or private party!

Follow Chef Hodge on Twitter:  @kaiandicatering



The FB Community page for Eduniche:

Have a child in 11th or 12th grade that isn't sure about what college or technical school is the right fit for them?  Contact Mr. Alton to discuss setting up a series of sessions that will help your child get on the right track.

He also specializes in helping adult find new career paths when they are transitioning into new opportunities.  Email:  and Twitter (@edunicheconsulting)



Customized acrylic art classes, perfect for Girls Night Out, Team-Building for your office staff or even a bridal shower/bachelor party activity.  The possibilities are endless with Ms. Price's full arsenal of ways to bring art into your life.

Contact Lovie Price by email: or on her Facebook community page

You can also find her on Twitter (@theglassvidalia)



The mother daughter team of Toni Truesdale and Maia Truesdale-Scott bring you a plethora of beautiful images both in fine art and photographic formats.  Their stunning card collection can be found here:

Please follow them on Twitter (@truesdaleart) and Like their community page on Facebook:



Finally I am proud to reveal the new logo for Creatively Yours (ARC) that was designed by Maia Truesdale-Scott.  I feel that the logo reflects all that is growing inside of CY (ARC) and the type of statement that I'd like the company to make.  Without further ado, I present to you...the new logo:

Thank you for all of your love and support over this past year and I look forward to bringing you even more great clients/services and talents in the future.

Many thanks to those of you who have spread the word and referred clients to Creatively Yours.  Your kindness and belief in me will never be forgotten or taken for granted.

Humbly and Gratefully,


Twitter: @cre8vlyyours

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Inspiration is a funny thing.  When I was fourteen this man inspired me in so many ways...
Always my first love...

When his record company tried to screw him he changed his name (to an unpronounceable symbol) and refused to perform until they made things right.  When they finally released him he went independent and never looked back.  I LOVE Prince Rodgers Nelson.

I remember seeing the movie "Ghandi" when I was in high school.  His quote "an eye for an eye will leave a blind world" helps me stay centered to this very day.

Another fab quote from the master of peace...

I have been blessed to acquire a few new clients.  One in particular has made me re-evaluate everything.  He told me "I see great things in you" and I believed him when he said it.  Thank you to Raymond Bennett, the founder of  Check out the website when you get a chance and his show every Tuesday @ 8pm on

Raymond on left and his business partner Bruce Wright on the right.

Realizing I missed someone on the previous "Emotional Glam Squad" list (former blog post), I have to give a special shout-out to my bestie.  She entrusted me to be God-Mother to her four children and is a true inspiration to me in so many ways.  I love you Ashlie Derk-Schauble.

My Bestie Ashlie...thank you for everything!

So this is my tale of inspirational figures in my life and how it relates to Creatively Yours (ARC).  Incredible things are happening with this business and my life in general and I am so blessed.  Inspiration is the catalyst and the work is done because the spark has been lit.  I don't want to let my clients down.  I don't want to squander the inspiration and opportunities that were born of it.  It's a continuous circle of greatness, all I have to do is be open to the full process.

I'm happily under the influence of very positive and powerful people, ideas and goals. 

Never give up.  It's only a matter of time before your dreams manifest into the concrete things that you desire.  The power of attraction is an amazing thing.  Let it work for you as it is working for me!

Do you FEEL that?

A quick note...over my birthday weekend (10/11 through 10/13) 347 copies of my book Themes and Dreams were downloaded for FREE on #Amazon.  I only ask that you would please leave a review on Amazon.  Good, bad or indifferent I wish to improve with each project and your honest feedback is appreciated.

My sisters and I, Nichelle (left) and Elaine (right), toasting it up for the birthday!

Until next time I wish you inspiration, manifestation and peace...

~Creatively Yours (ARC)

Twitter: @cre8vlyyours

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Marketing in the Community - Harrisburg, PA

Today I am live blogging from my alma mater Harrisburg High School (John Harris Campus) for the 2013 Family University Day.  I am honored to be sharing a table with my long time friend and former business partner, James Alton.

Just a small sampling of the organizations present for Family University Day 2013!

Mr. Alton owns and operates EduNiche Consulting, a full-service company dedicated to helping students transition from high school to college or the career of their choice.  With customized programs tailored to each individual student, Mr. Alton helps "clear the path" to brighter futures for our children.

Mr. Alton has always supported Creatively Yours (ARC)

EduNiche also offers career guidance for adults who are transitioning into new careers or re-entering the work force.  The possibilities are limitless and I encourage you to contact Mr. Alton directly:

Another great business represented at today's fair is Building Bridges Transportation.  The husband and wife team of Nathaniel and Leah Holmes are providing a much needed service for the families of Central PA who would like to visit loved ones who are currently incarcerated in 9 of the State's correctional institutions.  Their comfortable and spacious van will transport families and individuals on a weekly or monthly basis depending on the person's request.  By pre-scheduling your transportation online, you secure your spot on the van for your date and time.  You will ride in comfort to see your loved one and not have to worry about the hassles of traffic.

The end of the State Street Bridge...the beginning of something special with Building Bridges Transportation!

We encourage you to contact Building Bridges Transportation:

Creatively Yours (ARC) is all about "building bridges" with the community, businesses and other entities.  Feel free to contact us at:

Visit and "Like" our Facebook page:

and on Twitter:  @cre8vlyyours

Thank You!

Creatively Yours ARC

Monday, September 16, 2013


Monday Clarity Moment

There are so many things I wish to share with the people that take the time to read this blog.  As I am moving throughout my day thoughts come and go as to what I should be doing, should be writing about and projects I should be finishing.

My brain most days...but this is what I LOVE to do!

Then there are the times when I sit down to write and something completely different comes from my mind to the page.  I call these my "Clarity Moments".

Most of the times I have these moments at 3 and 4am when I am battling insomnia.  I think I have solved chaos theories, world hunger and other mind boggling questions during those wee small hours of the morning when sleep is playing hide and seek.

I realize that things are very simple and I am usually getting in my own way by making them more complicated than they need to be.

Case in point, I currently have a situation with a person in my life that I know I need to let go of.  I won't go into detail here but our relationship is toxic and more hurtful than helpful.  I must let this person go yet I have found every reason in the book to believe them when they say they will not harm me emotionally ever again, yet there is a constant underlying current of disrespect that never goes away.

I blame myself for allowing this person to continue to act in a harmful manner towards me.

A sad but true fact of life.

In this moment I know the easiest thing to do is just walk away.  Cut all communication and cut all ties.  It is the fear of past relationships and their sometimes rocky endings that have kept me tied to this person.  That there in 20 percent of our interactions I am smiling instead of being upset.  Yet what about the other 80 percent?  Does that not count as a huge chunk of my life too?

In personal and professional dealings I have come to the conclusion that rather than getting upset and unprofessional I am more willing to just "let things be" and take my toys and go home.  I am not here to argue and debate about how you think things should be done.  This is a collaboration, not a war.  It's also funny how (if you are honest) personal and professional dealings do mix, whether we want them to or not.

So for this Monday's Clarity Moment I would encourage you (and myself) to remember the Golden Rule:  treat others as you wish to be treated...with the modification:  or that person you mistreat may just walk away from you for good.

Thank you for reading and good business to you.

~Creatively Yours (ARC)

Contact me:
Twitter: @cre8vlyyours

Monday, September 9, 2013

Star Qualities for ARC

So ARC has decided that she is ready to be a star...

not just another pretty face

Mind you, when I was 4 years old and singing "Ben" by Michael Jackson at the top of my lungs my momma said I would be a star...then she turned around and wanted me to be a lawyer...but I digress..

Star Qualities

~ A star promotes herself and her work.  She does the talk show circuit to talk about her new movie, project, cd or single.

This is who I will interview with someday...I love him.

~ Here's my new project.  I love it and I'm so proud of it...

MINE!  Cover illustration(s) by Maia Truesdale-Scott.  #LOVE
~A Star always is looking forward to her next project

Tentative Titles:  "A Creative Person's Survival Guide"....."Dropping the Weight"....."ARC'd Tales"  ALL COMING VERY SOON!!!

~ Stars shine no matter how dark the night is.

so real

~ Stars love themselves.

i tell myself this every day

~Stars know they are nothing without their Glam Squad.  So let me take a moment to thank

My Emotional Glam Squad:

My Rock:  Nichelle Marie Cunningham-Perry
My Best Friend:  Colleen Salvatore
My Dad:  James E. Dennis
My Cheerleader:  Gena Fairfax-Hudson
My Little Inspirations:  The NYKLAS, The Ray-Bryants, The SchaubleKids
My Mentor:  Jade D. Banks
My Muse:  Darrin Lamont Byrd
My PlanMaker:  Kelly Snyder-Groom
My Illustrator/Friend:  Maia Truesdale-Scott
My BetaReadingFriend:  R.H. Ramsey
My Business Maven: Tameca Waid

[Anyone not mentioned (and you know who you are) I will get to you in a different blog.]

Stars eat healthy and take care of themselves.

my food obsession

I'm still a ninja...getting healthier and stealthier every day!

A Star is not going to let anything or anyone get in her way.

embrace your crazy...i did a long time ago!

I am aspiring to be a star from this point forward.  I appreciate your support in this endeavor and I encourage YOU to be a STAR too.  (You can join my family of clients who are stars in their own right!)

~Creatively Yours (ARC)
Star/Author Andrea R. Cunningham

Contact me:
Twitter: @cre8vlyyours

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What I've Learned Thus Far

Forgive me in advance for the random nature of this blog...I am struggling with focus but I have a lot to say. ~Andrea

Everyone Can Teach You Something...

"A stopped clock is right twice a day."

"Even a fool can teach you a thing or two".

A very wise woman once shared that when you are in the presence of someone (even someone you don't "like") pay attention and soak up all you can like a sponge.

There are many people who can offer good information if you are paying attention to what they are trying to tell you.  There may be many emotional obstacles in the way, but there is so much to learn.

My Correlation Between Naps and Creativity

I was very ill a few years ago.  Other than the love of my family/friends and man-made medicines, there were a few other things that helped me to heal.

I wrote a book.

This is my author face.

I started Creatively Yours (ARC).

I napped whenever I wanted to and found great things on the other side of those naps.

Naps heal.  Period.

My Great-Grandmother Once Said...

I did not have a lot of time with my great-grandmother Olive M. Pierce.  However I was blessed to have her up into my 20's.  During one afternoon visit she asked about my father and I said I didn't know what was going on with him and he might be a lost cause.  She stated "where there's life, there's hope."  I have never forgotten those words and have applied them to MANY situations and relationships in my life.  Thank you Mom Pierce!

Thoughts on Travel, Loss/Gain

I realize that this blog may have suffered while I was away for 9 weeks being a Travel Ninja (  But please trust me when I tell you there will be so much coming to CY as well (as all of my other projects) thanks to my little adventure.  This is one of the main images that has stuck with me from the journey.

Bless you all for sticking with me, Creatively Yours (ARC) and supporting this dream of mine.

Feel free to comment, share and stay tuned!

Ways to contact us:
Twitter: @cre8vlyyours

~Creatively Yours (ARC)

Friday, July 12, 2013

The News at Creatively Yours (ARC) July 2013

The News at Creatively Yours ARC!

I have so much to tell you!

I have several new clients that I would like to talk about.  The last few months have been very exciting for me personally and professionally and I feel full of life and love!  

Now...please help me welcome the new members of the family...

Richard M. Renneboog

Richard is a master writer/editor/co-writer.  He has an advanced science degree and he is a Trekkie for life.  He has written several technical as well as science fiction books.  You can find a full listing of his works here:

Richard is a husband of over 30 years, father and grandfather.  I was blessed to meet him online and we connected instantly.  He is a witty gentleman with a lot of great information and whimsy to share.
Twitter: @RRenneboog 
Google+: Richard Renneboog

Darrin Lamont Byrd

Darrin Lamont Byrd is a seasoned performer that I have been blessed to know since my high school years.  He is currently performing 8 shows per week in Hamburg, Germany's production of Disney's "The Lion King".  I witnessed first hand how Darrin's rich baritone and awesome stage presence as Mufasa (The King!) captivated the audience.  He also sings at local clubs in Hamburg and wants to eventually do TV and film in Los Angeles.  In addition, Darrin is also promoting and managing new talent.  Catch him while you can...his star is on the rise!
Twitter @DLBEntertainmnt  
Google+: DarrinLamont Byrd


Marshall Titus

Please trust me when I tell you this will be the best 19 minutes you spend watching a video on YouTube...and you will want to watch more of Marshall Titus.  I am so honored to be working with this veteran who has been "in the game" for more than 30 years.  Marshall is a singer, songwriter, actor and has so much to give the world with his own special blend of music.  Enjoy the "Soulumentary" and relish the sounds of Marshall Titus.
Twitter:  @marshallTitus 

It is my pleasure to welcome all of my new clients to the Creatively Yours (ARC) family!

On a personal note, my book "Themes and Dreams" is now available on Amazon for Kindle download.  I am so proud of this work.  If you purchase the book please be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon so others can know what you think of it.  Good, bad or indifferent,  I want to know so I can make my next book even better!

Link for the book on Amazon:

As always...thank YOU for your support! - Andrea

~Creatively Yours (ARC)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Failure...The Remix

I lost a client last week.

I could have been devastated, angry, pissed off and used that loss as a reason to stop what I'm doing altogether.

Instead I'm going to talk about failure.  How I perceive it and what it means to me.

I remember seeing this quote a long time ago:

This comes from a man who by many standards is the greatest person to ever play the game of professional basketball.  Michael Jordan, who was cut from his high school basketball team, admits failure in so many other ways as well.

It's all about trying again in a different way.  For every client I lose I plan to replace them with 3 more.  Failure?  I think not.

I'm fortunate to be surrounded by a "village" of supporters that won't let me quit.  Because failure means you never try again.  A loss is just that...ONE loss.  There are so many other ways to win.  I want to win.

I'm blessed that I have people who believe in my gifts, talents and abilities.  They tell me every day and they show me in too many ways to mention.  They are my beacons through the storms of life and my anchors when I am ready to fly off into the sunset of lost dreams.  They mold and shape me and keep me whole.  I don't know what I would do without them personally or professionally.

Are you happy with how your business is currently performing?  Do you have clients and customers beating down your doors?  Are you ready to do business in profit margins that you only dreamed about?

On the flip side:  do you have a thick skin? Can you stand to be told no? Is there someone who promised you something but they have yet to deliver?  I can't get bogged down in pumping myself up based on 1 good week when I have a week like last week when I lost this client.  I need to stay prepared for both the ups and the downs in this self-employed game.'s a game and I only lose when I stop reaching out to pitch that next client or not writing the next blog. There is no failure to be "chalked up" when you are on to the next possible client or opportunity.

Finally, let's discuss what happens when you "fail".  Society says you are a failure if you don't have a car, house and bank account that all fit into the "big" category.  I say you fail when you compare yourself to other people and think that you don't measure up.  The Jones family is not putting bread on your table or clothes on your children's backs.  Failure is relative and one man's failure can be my possible triumph, so I'm mowing my own back yard.

I lost a client, but I also gained the wisdom of things to differently the next time I am faced with a situation like that one.  I'm wiser and ready for what's next.

Are you ready for what's next?  Can you be honest with yourself and reach out for the help you need in order to be just more successful?  Let's work together to change this notion of failure into what can be something great.

Twitter: @cre8vlyyours
Facebook: Creatively Yours ARC

Thank you for your continued support!

~Creatively Yours


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Team Champion

 TEAM CHAMPION - June 19, 2013

What does it take to be a champion?

I have studied many images of Muhammad Ali over the years.  There are those of him standing over defeated opponents defiantly.  Others where he is shouting, mouth open, proclaiming he is "The Greatest".  

This photo of him, in silent repose, touches my heart to the core.

What could he be thinking?  How great and strong he is?  How he just whipped another opponent?  Does he want a coffee or a cold beer?

What does a champion think about?

In this blog we have previously discussed time, patience, team-building and going after dreams when naysayers tell you not to.  Today it's all about "Team Champion".

There are many people that have inspired me over the years with the way they live their life.  I will only discuss Ali today because he's on my heart. I know he is older now, with many health obstacles that he is facing, but the legacy of courage, discipline and HEART he has left for us is immeasurable.

If I could re-do this example for Ali, I would put the biggest heart over the biggest body.

To be a champion you need a strong belief in yourself and what you are contributing to society.   Ali says "I said I was the greatest even before I knew that I was."  A powerful statements in "thinking and growing into those positive self attributes".  I believe that champions keep positive influences and people around them to build a team that is indestructible to outside and usually negative forces.

I believe that champions have no regrets. Period.

Creatively Yours (ARC) is in business to be a part of your Team Champion.  We focus on getting your best product/service/YOU in front of the people that need to see it in order to support your dream.  We want the very best for you and your company.

Like Ali, we think you are the greatest, even before you may realize it.

Allow us to help you grow, one tweet, Facebook "like" and blog post at a time. We are here to help you build "Team Champion". 

~Creatively Yours (ARC)
Twitter: @cre8vlyyours

Sunday, June 9, 2013


There have been a few times in my life where I've felt like I didn't belong.

Don't get me wrong, I've always been a pretty friendly person and could usually find my way into a circle and feel comfortable and liked.  It's never really the interpersonal, one on one types of interactions that bother me.

It's the "standing out in a crowd, being stared at openly, wondering if there is something on my face" instances that make me wonder why people attempt to make me feel like I don't belong.  Like I'm an alien.

My favorite alien.

Perceptive people notice things that others may miss.  At times I've been told I'm over-reacting, paying too much attention to others or just being overly sensitive.  I admit that I sense things, I go with my gut and if the vibe or people in a certain place feel wrong I leave.

If there is no way to avoid a situation I play mind games with myself to pass the time.  I'm a beautiful alien, so beautiful that people can't stop staring.  I'm a celebrity and they are mesmerized that I am in their midst.   A person of royalty that they can't help but to admire from afar.

I've also translated this "isolated" feeling to my business practices.

It's ok to stand out, be different and have people take notice.  You're not the first one to have your type of business, but no one can do it like you do it.

Consider yourself a business alien.  Exploring a new world as you seek to give your clients the best you have to offer.

Sometimes aliens need to stick together.  Allow me to help your company go to the next level.  Together we can stand out.

~Creatively Yours (ARC)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Patience (Part Two)

We are measured by how patient we are during difficult times.  I think I just mangled that quote...but you get the point.  Patience is one of the many things that is utilized for self-measurement and "world judgment".  So it's important to me to get it right.

I admitted in a previous blog that I am not very patient.  I struggle with waiting and have trained myself over the years not to get too overly excited about anything. Disappointment (for me) is far worse than waiting.  

I've been waiting for my business to grow.  Waiting for new clients to spring forth from the Internet.  Waiting for new ideas to inspire me every day in order to keep the content for my current clients fresh and interesting.

I've surprised myself over the last 6 months in many ways.  Creatively Yours (ARC) had a half-birthday on May 8th. We are still here and kicking after 6 whole months!  Patience has played a huge part in making it this far.

While we count the days to our first CY birthday, I am still seeking new clients to "practice" my patience on.  Together we can all learn how to translate this patience virtue into sales, clients and prosperity. Contact me today ( to discuss specifics.

Patience and Growth to all!

~Creatively Yours