Thursday, February 21, 2013



The news guy just said that the sun isn't coming up til 6:52 am today.  I've been up since 3:20 am.

There are at least 2 weeks a month where I don't sleep well.  It used to upset me so much as I love sleep as much as I love pretty much anything else in my life.  Yet I have grown to love and appreciate this quiet time in the middle of the night.  Thoughts are crystal clear.  Weird stuff plays on the television.  I feel like I am 3 steps ahead of the rest of the world.

Embracing insomnia has changed my life.  Instead of being angry about the lack of sleep, I adjusted my thinking to accepting that there is something on my mind that needs to be set free and this time even my great dreams won't do.  So I wake up.  Sometimes I write, sometimes I just veg out.  Most times I fall back to sleep on the couch.

Is there something in your life that you are fighting against that could be turned into something useful instead?  

I accept that my body and mind operate on their own systems.  I am simply the vessel that holds them both.  I won't fight it anymore.

So I'll take the "mind-sunshine" in the middle of the night.   Continuing to make the best of an odd situation.  Ever creating when I "could" be sleeping.

Work when you must....
Rest when you can....
Love, Always...

~Creatively Yours

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