Sunday, May 5, 2013

How Facebook Saved My Life (or something like that)

How FB Saved My Life (or something like that)

Facebook is an integral part of every day.  There I said it.  I am addicted, smitten, enamored, tied to and a mental slave to FB!

There are days when I can't get on FB (appointments, traveling, actually conversing with someone face to face and NOT checking my phone every 5 minutes.)  As soon as I get back to my laptop I have to see what everyone has been posting, talking about, who's in crisis, who is happy etc.  Addict.

I can also stubbornly admit that FB has made me a bad friend.  No longer do I need to make the weekly or monthly call to make sure my peeps are ok.  I can log in and see what everyone is up to, how they are feeling and how much they choose to share about their daily activities.  It's made me lazy. Period.

FB has also been a wonderful way to promote CY (ARC) as well as my clients.  Since almost everyone I know is addicted too it's easy to reach a large audience in a very short period of time.  In my mind it's a non-invasive way to get your point across and your product out there.

I love Facebook.   

Find us on FB:
The Twitter:  @cre8vlyyours

Hopefully your business will love FB too!

~Creatively Yours

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