Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Special Saturday Post

Keepin It Real Saturday!

I'm having early morning chat with my business partner, ranting about something not work-related and I said that's it...this is KEEPIN' IT REAL SATURDAY!  Where you say whatever's on your mind and KEEP IT REAL.  The only caveat is I want it to stay as positive as possible!  

So who's with me?  I have a lot of page views on this blog but very few responses, so set up your Blogspot account and let's chat!  Who wants to keep it real today?

I'll begin!  The Kwanzaa principle of today is Ujaama.  Collective Economics!  It stresses the importance of owning our own businesses and SUPPORTING the businesses of those we know. 

As quiet as it's kept, Kwanzaa principles are not just for Black people.  They are life lessons that if followed (or adopted) throughout the year can help to build a stronger community and nation.  It takes ideas like Collective Economics to make small businesses thrive!

I'm proud to say that at Creatively Yours we strive to help the collective.  Sometimes it's not about the dollar or what someone can do for you.  It's about helping each other get to the next level.

I look forward to your feedback.  Join me on this Keepin' It Real Saturday!

Peace and Help Someone Today!

~Creatively Yours~

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